Possible disregard formatting in exception match code?



Hi All,

I have the following code to compare two lists for the same record. If the
same record is found, it's highlighted (eg (e-mail address removed)=
(e-mail address removed); both get highlighted) and works perfectly. However, if
the records are as follows: (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed), the code
doesn't match these two as equals because of the case changes.

I'm doing these as batch entries and it would be laborious to change to
lowercase all of the records. Is it possible to match regardless of
upper/lower case?


sub exception_match ()

Dim oldupdate As Range, oldcell As Range

Dim newupdate As Range, newcell As Range

Dim Found As Boolean

Set oldupdate = Range("Table2")

Set newupdate = Range("Table1")

oldupdate.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
newupdate.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone

For Each oldcell In oldupdate

Found = True

For Each newcell In newupdate

If oldcell.Value = newcell.Value Then

oldcell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
newcell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6

Exit For

End If


If Found Then

End If

End Sub


Change this line
If oldcell.Value = newcell.Value Then


If UCase(Trim(oldcell.value)) = UCase(Trim(newcell.value)) Then

This will not only ignore case (by changing both to all uppercase, but will
also make sure a leading/trailing blank or two in either one is also ignored.

Jim Cone

You could also use the StrComp function.
Adding "Option Compare Text" at the top of the module would work.

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