popups in xp



I am new to xp. Everytime I connect to the internet I
get at least 10 popups. I've tried deleting internet
cookies, files, offline content, etc. I'm also getting
unwanted installations like a XXX taskbar that I can't
remover from my add/remove programs. Does anyone know
how to get rid of these files. Plus, my home page keeps
getting changed. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




I am new to xp. Everytime I connect to the internet I
get at least 10 popups. I've tried deleting internet
cookies, files, offline content, etc. I'm also getting
unwanted installations like a XXX taskbar that I can't
remover from my add/remove programs. Does anyone know
how to get rid of these files. Plus, my home page keeps
getting changed. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



sounds like your system is getting infested with spyware etc.

download AdAware www.lavasoft.de and spybot seek&destroy
http://security.kolla.de then UPDATE them and RUN them. maybe also download,
update and run spywareblaster www.javacoolsoftware.com and use it to
immunize your system from some spyware things.

Get yourself a virus killer incase you do not have one already, and keep it
UPDATED and running.

Get firewall and use it, some free firewall like zonealarm
(www.zonelabs.com) will do...

and if you still get windows "messenger" pop-up's, if nothing else helps,
turn MESSENGER service off from start => Programs => adminstrative tools =>

those should help some bit...


What you want is a proxy server like Proxomitron. It sits between your
computer and the net and filters out ANYTHING you want. Since the net
is based on HPPT, which is a fancy text language, Proxomitron can read
the text and change it to anything it wants based on what you tell it
to do. I've used it for a couple of years and get absolutely no popups
or triple xxx. Also, the newer browsers like Opera have built in
popup rejection features. Mozilla is a good browser and it's free. It
uses the same engine as Netscape and has the popup rejection features.

There are free Spybot detection programs on the net and someone
mentioned Ad-Aware which is good too. There's another good one called
HijackThis. It gives you a list of all the spy crap that is set up to
run automatically and you can delete them all at once.

All these progs are free. Do a search on the net and you'll find them.

A firewall is a must these days if you're on a DSL or Cable hookup.
You can use the one built in to XP but it's not all that configurable.
Sygate offers a nice free firewall that is not as intrusive as Zone
Alarm. I got rid of Zone Alarms because every time it thought it was
under attack it shut my computer down, forcing me to reboot. That's
what I call intrusive and Sygate doesn't do that. But it will block
anything getting in or out, depending on how you configure it. Sygate
also has a nice little monitor for watching traffic and apps.

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