Populate Cells With Range Via ComboBox



I have several different pricing arrangements. This is what they look like:

No. 1
ModelA ModelB ModelC
Item1 $ $ $
Item2 ...

No. 2
ModelA ModelC ModelD

No. 3
ModelB ModelC Model D Model E
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4

I have set up the unique Item and Model lists as ranges in another
worksheet. When the user selects the pricing arrangement (No. 1, No. 2 or
No. 3) I would like to populate a specific area in another location with the
appropriate table. Right now I am populating the row and column headings via
a combobox that has the various pricing arrangements as its fill range using
a hard link to the source where the range is named ... e.g.:
if ComboBox1.Value = "No. 1" Then
Sheets ("Specific Location").Range ("A1") = Sheets ("SourceMap").Range ("C42")

This will work fine until someone wants or needs to update the source
document and all of these codings might be lost. I was curious to know if I
can populate a range of cells (the row and column headings) using a named
range instead of cell references ... e.g.:

Sheets ("Specific Location").Range ("A1:A3") = Range ("No. 1_RowHeadings")

I've tried the coding above but it didn't work so obviously I'm not doing
something properly or maybe it just can't be done.



Thanks but I'm trying to get a combobox to populate multiple cells at once -
not looking for a dropdown. So if a user selects 'No. 1' pricing, the
combobox programming will put an array of data - say A1:D3 - into a specific
area of a worksheet. Right now I have to program the code to place each
individual cell's data one cell at a time.


thanks ryan but still not what i was looking for.

i need the programming code to place an array or range of data all at once
instead of cell by cell. i dont know how to do that ... there must be a



Sorry, I don't think I know how to do what you want. Repost your question,
with as much detail as you would deem reasonable, and this fresh post will go
to the top of the list and soon 'fresh' pairs of eyes will be reviewing it.


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