pop up



I am working on a document that has a lot of very important disclosures. I
would like the users of this doc to read the disclosure tab before they
proceed to the actual document. I was thinking about creating a pop-up box
that would open when they click on the doc tab (it would say "I've read and
understand the disclosures" or something along those lines). Or maybe a
pop-up box to ask them if they agree and would like to proceed.

Any idea on how to do this?



One idea would be to have the workbook open with only the disclosure tab
visible. A button on the sheet could be used as "I have read and
understand..." and make the doc tab(s) visible for viewing.


Sorry about that. The dangers of assuming too much have reared their ugly

Place the Disclosure tab in the first position on the left. Excel will
consider that as Sheet(1). Then put this code in a module.

Sub Auto_Open()
For x = 2 to sheets.count
sheets(x).visible = false
next x
end sub

Then add a command button to the Disclosure sheet. If the Control Toolbox is
not visible, click "View/Toolbars/Control Toolbox" The Command Button icon
is a grey rectangle shape. Click it and then click the location where you
want the button.

Double-click the button and a sub routine will be displayed.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Enter this into the routine
Sheets("MyDocument1").Visible = True
Sheets("MyDocument2").Visible = True ' etc.
' If there are multiple sheets to display
End Sub

Let me know if your have more questions. I will help all I can.



I forgot to add that, while the button is in "design" mode (Surrounded by
small circles in the corners on on the sides), you can right-click on it and
choose "Properties" which will display an editing table for you to modify the
button to your liking.

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