pop up list box and line graph


Joe Jalbert

I want to create a program scheduling my restaurant staff using
excel. I have set up my staffing levels and my hours at 15 minute
intervals. I have tried to create a pop up list so I could select a
start and end time, but I'm not getting what I'm looking for. When I
create a list box I get a column listing my hour increments. I would
like to assign the "A" key to add a shift, select the time and create
a line bar graph. i would also like to be able to assign each hr to
sales,maintenance,prep,breaks,etc and reflecxthis info on my line
graph. I also need to show whether I am over or under staffing
needs. I can create some of this, although it is not as sophiscated
as I'd like.

Can anyone help with this. Do I need another type of software that
would be compatible with excel?

Thanks in advance,



Jon Peltier has all kinds of information on building charts:


information on menus (prior to xl2007)
XL97: Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus

XL2000: Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus

File Title: Customizing Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items in Microsoft(R)
Excel 97
File Name: WE1183.EXE
File Size: 58041 bytes
File Date: 06/20/97
Keywords: kbfile kbappnote
Description: This Application Note can help you learn techniques for writing
Visual Basic(R) for Applications code to customize menus in Microsoft Excel
97. This Application Note contains code examples that you can use with the
following elements: menu bars, menus, menu items, submenus, and shortcut

How to customize menus and menu bars in Excel

Information on Userforms:


See this tutorial here

How to use Visual Basic for Applications examples to control UserForms in
Microsoft Excel

XL97: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q161514)

XL2000: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q213749)

Lesson 11: Creating a Custom Form
Excerpted from Microsoft® Excel 97 Visual Basic® Step by Step.

File Title: Microsoft(R) Visual Basic(R) for Applications Examples for
Controlling UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97
File Name: WE1163.EXE
File Size: 161742 bytes
File Date: 05/08/97
Keywords: kbfile
Description: This Application Note is an introduction to manipulating
UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97. It includes examples and Microsoft Visual
Basic for Applications macros that show you how to take advantage of the
capabilities of UserForms and use each of the ActiveX controls that are
available for UserForms

links to tutorials on VBA (after the general excel tutorial links)


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