Pop-up calendar in sub-forms


Len B

I have a sub-form with a date field that I would like to
fill be selecting from a pop-up calendar. Ihave put pop-
up calendars on several main forms, but the sub-form is in
datasheet view. So I put the calendar on the main form
and call if from the sub-form's date combo field. The
calendar appears, but I can not get the date to copy from
the calendar into the date field on the sub-form. Any


On my site, you can download an Acess2K database that demonstrates the reuse of a form containing a
single calendar control that is callable via the methods demonstrated (onClick, onDblClick, Command
Button). There is ample sample code with commenting to help you infuse it into your own application.
The Calendar is callable in Main forms, SubForms and Datasheet View as well.

direct link to the zipfile http://www.byerley.net/AccessCalDemo.zip

or to http://www.byerley.net/BdcDownSup.htm and scroll down to the AcessCalDemo.Zip link.



Mike, thanks so much. Your form certainly does what I
want it to do. I am looking at the code and I can't
understand how it ties together. I have made several
calendars and I thought I was knowledgeable, but I can't
understand how you are calling up the calendar. I'm not
getting it.
-----Original Message-----
On my site, you can download an Acess2K database that
demonstrates the reuse of a form containing a
single calendar control that is callable via the methods
demonstrated (onClick, onDblClick, Command
Button). There is ample sample code with commenting to
help you infuse it into your own application.
The Calendar is callable in Main forms, SubForms and Datasheet View as well.

direct link to the zipfile http://www.byerley.net/AccessCalDemo.zip

or to http://www.byerley.net/BdcDownSup.htm and scroll
down to the AcessCalDemo.Zip link.


Mike, thanks so much. Your form certainly does what I
want it to do. I am looking at the code and I can't
understand how it ties together. I have made several
calendars and I thought I was knowledgeable, but I can't
understand how you are calling up the calendar.

The Calendar is on a form by itself. There are arguments passed from the control that calls the
calendar that tells the calendar form what control on what form called it so it can update the calling
control. Put some breakpoints in the VBA code and trace it to see how it works. I thought there was
adequate commenting in the code to describe what was happening, although it has been some time since I
looked at it.

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