Pop up calendar in Access 2007


Tony Williams

Is there anyway to turn off the pop up calendar that appears next to date
controls in Access 2007 by default. I know I can do it individually on each
control on each form but I wondered if i could change the application
default. It's a useful addon except where the date format isn't ddmmyy and
uses click on the date in the pop up and then wonder why there's no data. eg
I have a few forms where the date format is just mmyyyy as in March 2009

Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 11 May 2009 02:43:02 -0700, Tony Williams

Yes there is for all future use of the textbox: bring a form in design
view and make sure the Properties window is showing. Now select the
textbox IN THE TOOLBOX. The Properties window will show the default
values for the control. Change ShowDatePicker to Never.

Microsoft Access MVP

Tony Williams

Thanks Tom. What I was looking for was an option to make the default "Never"
for all the date controls on all my forms rather than have to change each one
individually? Is there a way to do this?

Mark Andrews

Why not just use a combobox control for when the date format is mmyyyy?
example it
shows Jan-2009, Feb-2009, Mar-2009 etc... and stores 1/1/2009, 2/1/2009,
3/1/2009 in the field.

RPT Software

Tony Williams

Thanks Guys I'm Ok with amending existing form controls individually and new
forms it's being able to switch the popup calendar application wide that I
want. I guess there isn't an answer. I did wonder whether I could use VBA
code to run a routine to change all the controls so I'll post a question in
the Forms Coding group.

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