pop-up calendar for Excel 97



Is anyone willing to take a look at my excel workbook and tell me what I'm
doing wrong? I've followed the steps at www.fontstuff.com but I'm having no
luck getting the calendar to pop-up when I click on a specific cell.



Mike H


It's probably because of my later version of excel. Open VB editor and
double click the userform i created and delete the calendar from the userform.

With the userform selected click
View|Toolbox and see if you have a calendar control in the toolbox. If you
have click it and drag a calendar to the same size as the userform. You
should now be OK.

If you haven't got a calendar control click TOOLS-Additional controls and
scroll down until you find

Calendar Control x
X could be any number up to (I think) 12
Check the checkbox then OK and you should now have a calendar control in
your toolbox to put on the userform.



That worked!!! Thanks! Now if I save your file, is a calendar going to
always pop up if I click in one of those cells in a new workbook?

Mike H


Sadly no. To do that you would need to create the userform in your
Personal.xls at the moment it exist only in that particular workbook.

What you do is go back to vb editor right click the userform in project
explorer and remove the userform and you will be asked whether you want to
exppport it fiirst. Click OK

Then import it in personal.xls

Now insert a module in personal.xls along these lines

Sub RunCal()
End Sub

and finaly change the code that calls the calendar in your workbook to this

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B5, C5, A10, A15, B22, D30")) Is Nothing Then
Application.Run "Personal.xls!RunCal"
End If
End Sub



Hey Mike,

Is there any way to make the calendar close automatically once a date is
selected? Also, I moved the calendar to another workbook but need to know if
I want a calendar to pop-up on different worksheets within that workbook if I
have to put the code in every tab.



Hey Mike,

Is there any way to make the calendar close automatically once a date is
selected?  Also, I moved the calendar to another workbook but need to know if
I want a calendar to pop-up on different worksheets within that workbook if I
have to put the code in every tab.


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Excel 97 is quite old. Given theres not much difference between most
Excel versions (till Excel 2007), i still recommend upgrading to a
newer version.
In case you elect to go with a 3rd party application, check out
WinCalendar.com. They have a pop-up Excel Calendar which automates
selection & display of any date.

Best Regards,
Mike Hampton (different Mike than the prior posts, yes what a

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