Politer REPOST - RUNDLL Error - bridge.dll


Regina Litman

The original was posted here at 2:26 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
yesterday (5/10/04), but no one in this quite active group has responded
yet. I'm guessing that it's for one of three reasons:

1. By the time the MVPs and other experts signed on later in the day,
the message was buried among others and may have been overlooked.

2. No one knows how to answer me, given my description regarding what I
had already tried. If any of you MVPs see this message still out here 24
hours from now with no serious responses, can you please at least post
an acknowledgement so that I'll know it was looked at? Thanks.

3. I entered shout mode at one point in the message. I'm going to be
more politer (politer?) in this message and not shout.

OK, here is the message:

Ever since I installed and ran AdAware and Spybot to get rid of
spyware/adware, upon starting up my computer, I get a RUNDLL error box

Error loading C:\WINDOWS\System32\bridge.dll

Despite this error message, everything seems to proceed normally.
However, it's a bit disconcerting to see it every time.

I did a bit of research before coming here to post this. I think what
happened is that either AdAware or Spybot (or both) removed some
spyware/adware, but was not entirely thorough in doing this.

If there's a simple way to finish off the remove, I'd appreciate a
step-by-step description posted here showing me how to proceed from the
point where I am located.

Please do not send me to
- I have already tried this, and none of the registry entries were present.

Thanks in advance.

Will Denny


That is part of some spyware - have a look here:



Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| The original was posted here at 2:26 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
| yesterday (5/10/04), but no one in this quite active group has responded
| yet. I'm guessing that it's for one of three reasons:
| 1. By the time the MVPs and other experts signed on later in the day,
| the message was buried among others and may have been overlooked.
| 2. No one knows how to answer me, given my description regarding what I
| had already tried. If any of you MVPs see this message still out here 24
| hours from now with no serious responses, can you please at least post
| an acknowledgement so that I'll know it was looked at? Thanks.
| 3. I entered shout mode at one point in the message. I'm going to be
| more politer (politer?) in this message and not shout.
| OK, here is the message:
| Ever since I installed and ran AdAware and Spybot to get rid of
| spyware/adware, upon starting up my computer, I get a RUNDLL error box
| saying:
| Error loading C:\WINDOWS\System32\bridge.dll
| Despite this error message, everything seems to proceed normally.
| However, it's a bit disconcerting to see it every time.
| I did a bit of research before coming here to post this. I think what
| happened is that either AdAware or Spybot (or both) removed some
| spyware/adware, but was not entirely thorough in doing this.
| If there's a simple way to finish off the remove, I'd appreciate a
| step-by-step description posted here showing me how to proceed from the
| point where I am located.
| Please do not send me to
| - I have already tried this, and none of the registry entries were
| Thanks in advance.
| --
| Please note my correct email address:
| rslitman [at-sign] infionline [dot] net

Regina Litman

Please scroll down to see the details of my request. A quick summary -
is it okay to delete or modify the RunDLL entry in the righthand pane
once I've navigated to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run while
in the Registry Editor?

Will said:

That is part of some spyware - have a look here:


Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I noticed some of the same
instructions on this page as I found on
- but I think I may have found something I didn't catch yesterday when I
tried to follow the Symantec responses.

Anyone who reads here, please feel free to respond to what I'm about to
request. Thanks.

I have navigated to the following key use the Registry Editor:


In the righthand pane on the screen, there's an entry that looks like this:

There's a squarish icon on the left of this entry containing the
lowercase letters "ab". Then the line continues with "RunDLL" in the
name column, REG_SZ in the Type column, and the following in the Data

rundll32.exe "C:\WINDOWS\System32\bridge.dll",Load

Please let me know (1) if it's okay to delete or modify this line, and
(2) how do I perform this delete or modification, assuming I've already
backed up a copy of the registry, gone into Registry Editor, and
navigated to this pane?

If someone else has already answered that it's okay or it's not okay to
delete or modify this line, if you can respond with either an
affirmation or a refutation of this advice, I'd appreciate it, since I
am not comfortable proceeding in this matter on the advice of just one

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.


just delete that entry referring to rundll from the run group
also confirm that bridge.dll is indeed gone from system32 folder and also
check that an associated file called a.exe isnt present either


Regina Litman

Please confirm:

The associated file to check for is called a.exe (or in all caps,
A.EXE). Also, please confirm that I need to look for it in the system32


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