pocketpc textbox align



Hi all,

I start developing for pocket pc with C# under VS.NET 2003. I run into
trouble with the textbox settings.

On the form I have placed a textbox. I noticed that in the textbox
properties I have no possiblity to change the "TextAlign" propertie.
There is only "Left" available!

In the msdn I found the following code to change TextAlign:
textBox1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

But it doesn't work :-( Is this by the design of .NET for pocket pc?
Or is there are way to change the alignment?

Any help would be appropriated. Thanks.

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


IT's that way by design:
From MSDN: TextBox.TextAlign

..NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET Platform Note: In Pocket PC
applications, a single-line TextBox supports only left alignment. A
multiline TextBox can be aligned on the left, right, or center.


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