Plug-In Models in .NET



Hi all,

Can any one give details about plug-in models in .NET?

We have an application which will consists of a different documents, which will be displayed in 2 different tree views based on the type of document. and now we are dispatching to our clients. One of clients requires an additional document which is not necessary for others. So we need to implement the plug-in model which will extend the features of such documents. Even the plug in should consist the code to load the items from the db and should be embedded in the core dlls so that we can access the plug ins in both ways.

Basically our document base class consists the following

public class DocumentBase
string name;
DocumentInfo Info;

Are there any design patterns for the PlugIns in MSDN?
Any sample applications will be helpful.

Thanks In Advance


Its all to do with Interfaces. Have your main code deal with a well known
interface that your "Documents" implement.

The code project site and the internet in general have a number articles on
how to do it. MS doesnt though


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