Please i need help from anyone

Sep 29, 2003
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I have got a problem.I did installed some few software yesterday and after the installation i just put of my computer directly without shooting it down.So when i got up today, i tried to put on my computer and all i get is a blue screen.I have followd all the instruction said on the screen, but still it does't work.I am using a window XP system.
Please i will be glad if someone can help me out.
use 'chkdsk c: /f' (where c is the letter of your windows partition) to scan and fix the drive. If that doesn't work you'll need to boot off the Win XP CD and do a REPAIR installation.
Driver Issue maybe

LoL, shutdown right next time dude. Try restoring to an earlier point. Hit F8 when when your POST screen comes up. Select ''Last known good config". Even before this select "Boot in Safe Mode" and uninstall the programs you previously installed then try a reboot. If it still BSOD's on you go ahead with the "last known good config thing" and if that fails you may have to reinstall Windows.