Please Help!!!



All I want to acomplish is to create a subform in datasheet view that will
find records based on a combobox entry(in the actual datasheet) and display
all of the fields in that record in EDIT mode.
Please help!


What I would do is put the combo in the main form and base the subform on a
simple select query that has a criteria based on the combo box.

In the "after update" event of the combo put:

[forms]![form name]![subform name].requery


Hey i asked the same question..and someone gave me some great advice...
if you search under Kutest in the search for: area then you'll find my
quesitons and some one gave me some great advice about a search field and i
think it could help you too man!!
the person who helped me his name is Jerry wright.. hope it helps

scubadiver said:
What I would do is put the combo in the main form and base the subform on a
simple select query that has a criteria based on the combo box.

In the "after update" event of the combo put:

[forms]![form name]![subform name].requery

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Caravatis said:
All I want to acomplish is to create a subform in datasheet view that will
find records based on a combobox entry(in the actual datasheet) and display
all of the fields in that record in EDIT mode.
Please help!

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