Please help! This problem is driving me crazy! Workbook sample provided!




I have been trying to get some feedback regarding my issue with having
a VB userform do the VLOOKUP to fill in the other TextBox1-9 based off
the value of TextBox10. Now I have searched the boards over and over
again and I have still have not found any code that works. I searched
outside of these boards and still had no luck. This is driving me crazy
because everyone who seems to have had it work doesn't provide the
working example of their code...I am seriously in need of some Excel
Code Guru to help me out...I can't figure out the logic of getting this
work for the life of me. I posted a question earlier but got barely any
feedback so this time I have uploaded my workbook with the userform &
information...all I need is someone to help me making it possible to
get the 1 of the feilds to populate based on the value of TextBox10's

The file is located here...


The idea is to have the Vlookup pull the search perameter from
TextBox10 and fill in TextBox1 - 9 with the information that follows
it. I just need the code for either all the feilds or 1 feild to work
correctly...I can figure it out with just 1 working example. Thank you
again so much!


Jim Cone

This is a song that goes...
"I overlooked an Orchid while searching for a Rose..."
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I have been trying to get some feedback regarding my issue with having
a VB userform do the VLOOKUP to fill in the other TextBox1-9 based off
the value of TextBox10. Now I have searched the boards over and over
again and I have still have not found any code that works. I searched
outside of these boards and still had no luck. This is driving me crazy
because everyone who seems to have had it work doesn't provide the
working example of their code...I am seriously in need of some Excel
Code Guru to help me out...I can't figure out the logic of getting this
work for the life of me. I posted a question earlier but got barely any
feedback so this time I have uploaded my workbook with the userform &
information...all I need is someone to help me making it possible to
get the 1 of the feilds to populate based on the value of TextBox10's

The file is located here...


The idea is to have the Vlookup pull the search perameter from
TextBox10 and fill in TextBox1 - 9 with the information that follows
it. I just need the code for either all the feilds or 1 feild to work
correctly...I can figure it out with just 1 working example. Thank you
again so much!




What the hell is that suppose to mean? The board is called
"microsoft.public.excel.programming" not
"China.Food.FortuneCookie.Messages". If you want to help great...if you
want to post something so on someone's elses
message...people are trying to work here.

PY & Associates

With due respect, the userform appears to us, just a beautified presentation
of information.
We are not familiar with properties of userforms.

For all practical purpose, we would:
Put the form in the main sheet,
Let user put in index number,
One button for vlookup action and pull data to fill up the pigeon holes.

One button to clear all pigeon holes.
One button to do "submission"


PY & Friends,

I agree with you on that...That's what it might boil down to but I
was hoping for more of a "clean cut look" instead of constantly having
to draw out Cells to look like a user form. I think its one thing to
make a decent product in Excel but what's the sense in having a
spreadsheet drawn out to look like a user form when I know a user form
could be used just the same... It only requires someone's time and
willingness to give the code out how to do this...This isn't like my
30th post on how to do this, as when I learn how to do something new in
Excel I pretty much never forget how to do it...and its not a matter of
knowing how to do its a matter for future developers searching to board
for the same type of problem...if I got an answer you can bet I would
post the final code instead of making someone else go through all crap
I did to get to that point. This is why this board is so powerful /
useful when it comes to development inside of Excel...other people
(through their own efforts) went through problems and got resolution by
the group of THINKTANK effort of programmers on this board...Mr. Cone,
respectfully, seems to be one of these people who probably knows how to
do this but obviously he is either to stubborn to provide the code or
wants to look like an ass the next time someone else searches for
"VLOOKUP CODE IN VBA USER FORM" in the search box. Considering the
guy's develops plug-ins and sells them for whatever reason, you would
hope he would have enough intelligence to see the usefulness of a
board. So look at it this way...don't tell me specifically how to do it
but tell EVERYONE from the moment the code hits the boards until Google
decides to remove these boards, which is probably never. Just a
thought and whether you like what I said or's how I see



After much consideration...I figured out how to do it without needing
the code to get the user form (specifically) to get the information...I
thank you PY for making it clearer to me. I was originally put off by
your message but after considering a few things I realized I am better
off keeping Excel in the picture and not dabbling in lengthy
complicated code to get it to work correctly. I feel my abilities have
grown a lot after trying to get it to work... Your words helped me grow
beyond what I thought I was getting my self into...for that I thank

Mr. Cone... I don't know what to say...I expected more from someone
with your abilities / talents but you felt compelled to say something
stupid. You make software plugins for Excel and the best answer you can
give to someone who has the message "Please help! This problem is
driving me crazy!" is some passage from a crappy song made 40 years
ago? Maybe you "overlooked me" tonight for what ever reason...maybe if
you were more cut and dry like PY was I'd be thanking you but I'm not.
I just pray that when you tell someone "I'm having a heart attack!"
They don't utter some crap from a fortune cookie or from some crusty
song from 40 years ago. Whatever the case said what you had to
say and now I feel compelled to share my thoughts of your actions. Grow
up one on this board is interested in trying to solve the
meaning of life out...just how to fix & learn from their problems and
move on.

Thank you PY! Your help is much appreciated!


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