Please help media player



When i open media player it opens in the top right hand corner of the
screen. It's completly right off the screen so there's no way i can click on
it to drag it back on screen. I have my res set to the highest it will go on
this monitor and it was set like that when this annoying problem occured. I
hav no idea how to fix it can anyone help me please Thanks in advance

Ramesh [MVP]


Try resetting the WMP windows placement in the registry.

Type REGEDIT in Start/Run

Navigate to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences

In the right-pane:
Double-click "X" and set it to 0
Double-click "Y" and set it to 0
Double-click "Maximized" and set it to 1

Close and re-open WMP.

Ramesh, MS-MVP XP Shell/UI

When i open media player it opens in the top right hand corner of the
screen. It's completly right off the screen so there's no way i can click on
it to drag it back on screen. I have my res set to the highest it will go on
this monitor and it was set like that when this annoying problem occured. I
hav no idea how to fix it can anyone help me please Thanks in advance

Rob Whythe

That works, Mary, but if you 'restore' the window it disappears out of sight

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