Please Help Calculate Time Between 2 different Dates



I've serched and found some answers, but I'm just not sure If I doning

I'm trying to have the .xls calculate the amount of time the user was

I currently have the following:
D22 D23
16-Aug-06 7:30:00 PM (This is when the User Connected)
17-Aug-06 5:30:00 AM (This is when the user Disconnected)

My current formula is:
=(E23-E22+(E23<E22))*24 Which gives me 240:00:00

But I want to see that that user was connected for 10:00:00

What am I doing wrong?


If E22 contains both the date and time 8/16/2006 7:30 PM, and E23 contain
8/17/2006 5:30 AM, then all you need is this formula

The formula you are using is for timesheets that allows for data to be
entered as time only (without the date). It multiplies by 24 to get a
decimal answer (10.25 instead of 10:15).


If I don't multiply by 24 and only use (E23-E22) then the answer I get is:
So that didn't work.


Actually I just went in and formated the cell as a number instead of time and
it works just fine.


E22 and E23 probably only contain time without the dates. You are getting a
negative value when you subtract 5:30 AM from 7:30 PM. In your example you
listed the dates with the times so I assumed they were together. I geuss
your table might look like this

22 8/16/06 7:30 PM
23 8/17/06 5:30 AM

In which case you can use

If the user won't be connected for more than 24 hours then you can use the
original formula (without the *24), otherwise you will need this one.

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