PLEASE-can I retrieve file for 'inbox'! Deleted from Recycle Bin on desktop?



I was trying to delete some files that involved several
pop-up banner ads & windows from interfering with my
search for telecommuting jobs. While clicking around on
the internet, somehow this SPYWARE program began to write
itself on to my hard drive, so I went into Windows
Explorer to FIND FILES or FOLDERS to find it & DELETE
whatever was associated with it! Well, in the process, I
ended up sending these files to the RECYCLE BIN on my
desktop to get rid of them. However, in the process of
DELETING them, I also deleted a file 'Inbox' that I
thought was part of the problem. I pray there is a way to
retrieve these emails I accidentally deleted!!! PLEASE
HELP ME! These were very important emails regarding
employment! Thank you.


If restore from the recycle bin does not work it is probably gone, unless
you want to try a very expensive data recovery service.

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