Placing borders around cells?


Terry Pinnell

Is there something here I've misunderstood please? I've opened an old
spreadsheet I created years ago. Most of the cells have an outline
from the Border command, which is what I want. But I note that a few
rows do not have their cells outlined. So I select all of these and
use Format>Cells>Border and click the Outline button. But that places
a border only around the extreme *edges*, not the individual cells.

To accomplish my aim, I had to select a correctly outlined cell and
then use the Format Painter tool to apply it to my target.

Doug Kanter

Terry Pinnell said:
Is there something here I've misunderstood please? I've opened an old
spreadsheet I created years ago. Most of the cells have an outline
from the Border command, which is what I want. But I note that a few
rows do not have their cells outlined. So I select all of these and
use Format>Cells>Border and click the Outline button. But that places
a border only around the extreme *edges*, not the individual cells.

To accomplish my aim, I had to select a correctly outlined cell and
then use the Format Painter tool to apply it to my target.

That's pretty much how you have to do it. Or, if you prefer to use the
keyboard, select a cell whose format you like, and press CTRL-C (or Edit,
Copy). Then, paste it to another unformatted cell using Edit, Paste Special,

Dave Peterson

You have to do the inside borders, too.

You could select a nicely formatted row and click the Format painter icon and
paste over the offending rows.

Or you could create your own custom toolbar.
Tools|Customize|toolbars tab|New button
Give it a nice name

Then click on the commands tab|Format category
and place all the border icons you want on that toolbar.

There are lots and it could make life a bit simpler.


The "outline" button will place an outline on your selection, as you've seen.
To include a border on each cell within the selection you need to use the
border type selection that has the horizontal and vertical lines inside the
outline box. It looks like a plus sign in a box.

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