Pivottable PageField Dropdowns Disappear




An infuriating problem and I can't find any help on it! My pivot tabl
seems to have gone a bit haywire. The dropdown arrows on two of th
pagefields have disappeared. What is interesting is that if you dra
the field to higher in the order, it regains its arrow and the ne
field which took its place looses its arrow ie it is always the field
in B12 and B13 that don't have dropdowns. However, if you drop tw
pagefields into a columnfield, then all the arrows reappear!

Two questions:

1/ Does anyone know why?
2/ How do I get my dropdowns back!? (much more important!)



(duplicated on Excel General

Debra Dalgleish

As answered in .excel --

I don't know why you've lost some of the dropdown arrows, but you could
try the following macro, to see if the arrows reappear:

Sub EnableSelection()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
For Each pf In pt.PivotFields
pf.EnableItemSelection = True
End Sub


Hi Debra,

It looks like EnableItemSelection is a new addition to 2002 an
unfortunately I am still using 2000. It certainly appears this would d
the trick so does anyone know the equivalent in 2000?



Debra Dalgleish

AFAIK, there's no equivalent in Excel 2000.
Hi Debra,

It looks like EnableItemSelection is a new addition to 2002 and
unfortunately I am still using 2000. It certainly appears this would do
the trick so does anyone know the equivalent in 2000?


Which leaves me in a bit of a pickle given I can;t work out why the
have disappeared or how to get them back ! :

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