Pivot table does not automatically update when underlying data cha



Excel 2007, Vista

How can I make the pivot table update automatically when the underlyng data
changes? (F9 doesn't force an update.) Also, how can I add more data to be
included in an existing pivot table wihout creating a new one?


How can I make the pivot table update automatically when the underlyng data
changes? (F9 doesn't force an update.)

Think that has been the behaviour all along

In xl 2003, just right-click anywhere within the pivot > Refresh Data

And you can always record a macro specific to your pivot
if you think that right-click step isn't simple enough (it is to me)
.. how can I add more data to be
included in an existing pivot table without creating a new one?

You add data to the pivot's underlying source. Then you extend the pivot's
source range by right-clicking anywhere within the pivot > Pivot table wizard
Back (to go back to Step 2 of the wizard). Manually edit the range > Finish.

Debra Dalgleish has great stuff on
how you can make it dynamic for pivot data sources:
Excel -- Pivot Tables -- Dynamic Data Source
Downloads:20,500 Files:365 Subscribers:65


Thanks. The reference was very helpful. Also, in Excel2007 the whole
workbook (including the pivot tables) can be refreshed using <Ctrl> <Alt> F5.

Shane Devenshire


Question 1:

Ctrl+Alt+F5 does not refresh the whole workbook.

In 2007 press Alt+F5 to refresh the active pivot table and Ctrl+Alt+F5 to
refresh all pivot tables and external data connections.

Refresh command can be found under Data, Refresh All or PivotTable Tools,
Options, Refresh as well as by right-clicking anywhere in the pivot table and
choose Refresh from the shortcut menu.

Question 2:

Yes! The best way to handle this is to define the data area as a table,
(Home, Format as Table), then the pivot table will automatically know when
new data has been added to the data area. You will still need to refresh the
pivot table.

If this helps, please click the Yes button.

Shane Devenshire

Michael Norris

I have a file with a data source and a few pivot tables based on it. I want to have all of the pivot tables refresh when the data is refreshed. How can you determine if the data has been setup as a table so that everything gets updated at the same time?

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