Pivot Table combine rows with matching ID and SUM amounts



I receive daily reports that include many rows that share a same ID #
but have different amounts.

I read on this post (http://tiny.cc/YWOw4) that you can use pivot
tables for that, but I have excel 2007 and I can't follow those
instructions. Could somebody please walk me through how to do that in
excel 2007?


475076222902820 $48.17
475076222902820 $38.26
475076222903590 $12.65
475076222903590 $44.58
475076222903590 $43.79
475076222903961 $104.28

Any help will be highly appreciated.


I almost figured it out, the data does SUM up, but it doesn't really
look they way I would like it to. How can you "style" a pivot table?


for 2007, click in the data (make sure you have headings on the columns) and
click Insert/Pivot Table then choose the first field (say account) for row
and 2nd filed (amount) for Values. It should auto know that the amount is a
value. You can then format it as you wish or use the Pivot Table Tools to

Sumif command will work also but you need to know all the accounts

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