Physical Memory Dumps etc



OK here we go... Every once in a while I get this blue screen of death
except that it is no normal screen. It says that the computer is shutting
down because if it didn't then it would be damaged otherwise. The message
after that says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. (Also, sometimes the error messages
files associated with the errors are Win32k.sys and Win:caseSpy[Trj]. I don't
know what this means.) Then it says something like "To prevent this from
happening in the future, disable caching and/or shadowing in BIOS", but I
don't know how to do that. Finally, at the bottom of the screen it says
"Physical Memory Dump" and then a count up to some number going about one
number a second. I recently purchased this 2.8 Ghz computer, 512 RAM, and I
bought a seperate video card. It is a GeForce FX 5600 128 Mb (AGP 8x). I
don't believe that my motherboard has on board video. Could this be part of
the problem? Again, this problem occurs randomly, and my instincts tell me
that it is a problem with the video or motherboard, but I'm no expert.
Also, programs such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer close
randomly, asking me to send an error report to Microsoft. I originally
thought that these problems were being caused by SP2, and uninstalled it, and
it seems like the problems don't occur as often, but maybe it's just a
coincidence. I don't know if the problems are linked, but it's a new
computer with up to date anti-virus protection, anti-malware protection, and
I keep everything updated, so I don't think that it's a virus or worm or
Otherwise, the computer works fine. Please send help before I put my head
through my monitor.


Try R.clicking on my computer,properties,advanced,virtual-memory,click
the change button,highlite C: drive if it isnt already,then switch the chkd
box from custom,to "let windows manage",then click set 2X,close-out.
A restart should be prompted.Also,adding more ram memory will help in
this area.


This did not fix the problem. Any other advice out there?

Andrew E. said:
Try R.clicking on my computer,properties,advanced,virtual-memory,click
the change button,highlite C: drive if it isnt already,then switch the chkd
box from custom,to "let windows manage",then click set 2X,close-out.
A restart should be prompted.Also,adding more ram memory will help in
this area.

Mat Smolinski said:
OK here we go... Every once in a while I get this blue screen of death
except that it is no normal screen. It says that the computer is shutting
down because if it didn't then it would be damaged otherwise. The message
after that says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. (Also, sometimes the error messages
files associated with the errors are Win32k.sys and Win:caseSpy[Trj]. I don't
know what this means.) Then it says something like "To prevent this from
happening in the future, disable caching and/or shadowing in BIOS", but I
don't know how to do that. Finally, at the bottom of the screen it says
"Physical Memory Dump" and then a count up to some number going about one
number a second. I recently purchased this 2.8 Ghz computer, 512 RAM, and I
bought a seperate video card. It is a GeForce FX 5600 128 Mb (AGP 8x). I
don't believe that my motherboard has on board video. Could this be part of
the problem? Again, this problem occurs randomly, and my instincts tell me
that it is a problem with the video or motherboard, but I'm no expert.
Also, programs such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer close
randomly, asking me to send an error report to Microsoft. I originally
thought that these problems were being caused by SP2, and uninstalled it, and
it seems like the problems don't occur as often, but maybe it's just a
coincidence. I don't know if the problems are linked, but it's a new
computer with up to date anti-virus protection, anti-malware protection, and
I keep everything updated, so I don't think that it's a virus or worm or
Otherwise, the computer works fine. Please send help before I put my head
through my monitor.

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