photo thumbnails



hi !! i have done something in " my pictures " and do not know what i have
done !! when i go to my pictures i no longer see a thumbnail of a piccy..just
an icon of paint shop pro. So......i changed the file type to " open with "
windows picture and fax viewer....but still no joy and now my pictures
cannot be opened by any program !! Please help as i have some great piccys on
my machine and do not wish to lose them !! Thanks....

Sharon F

hi !! i have done something in " my pictures " and do not know what i have
done !! when i go to my pictures i no longer see a thumbnail of a piccy..just
an icon of paint shop pro. So......i changed the file type to " open with "
windows picture and fax viewer....but still no joy and now my pictures
cannot be opened by any program !! Please help as i have some great piccys on
my machine and do not wish to lose them !! Thanks....

Open Paint Shop Pro and use Edit> Preference> File Options to remove the
check next to the file formats (JPG, BMP, whatever) that you do not want
managed by PSP.


thankyou Sharon.....I have just done this but the windows picture and fax
viewer will still not open the piccy or show a preview. Any suggestions ??

Mike Hyndman

hi !! i have done something in " my pictures " and do not know what i have
done !! when i go to my pictures i no longer see a thumbnail of a piccy..just
an icon of paint shop pro. So......i changed the file type to " open with "
windows picture and fax viewer....but still no joy and now my pictures
cannot be opened by any program !! Please help as i have some great piccys on
my machine and do not wish to lose them !! Thanks....
Changing the "open with" option shouldn't change the file type or
extension, you haven't renamed the file have you with a different
extension have you? As you usually only see the pre extension name in
detail view and not the file type this can result in something like
"myphoto.jpg.bmp" where you thought you where changing the .jpg to a
In windows explorer view, go to tools,folder options,view, and uncheck
the "hide extensions for known file type" box and apply. Then check in
your picture folder for examples of the above file with multiple file
extensions which can then be removed by renaming.


thanks for replying Mike....but.......after doing this there is no change.
The pictures in question are showing as jpeg or bmap images. ????? I don,t
know .....i,m only a plumber !!!

Mike Hyndman

thanks for replying Mike....but.......after doing this there is no change.
The pictures in question are showing as jpeg or bmap images. ????? I don,t
know .....i,m only a plumber !!!
??? jpeg, bmap. Not .jpg or .bmp?
what happens if you double click them?

Sharon F

thankyou Sharon.....I have just done this but the windows picture and fax
viewer will still not open the piccy or show a preview. Any suggestions ??

First, restart after uninstalling PSP. It's usually pretty good about
restoring default file extensions to their previous state. Otherwise, try
using Start> Run and type
regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
Click OK. You should see a message that the .dll file registered
successfully. Click OK. This will re-register the viewer and restore many
of its default settings.

If still no luck, right click on a .BMP file and select Properties. At the
top of the General page, click the Change button and select the Windows
Picture and Fax Viewer. Click OK.

Repeat steps for other file formats that are handled by Picture/Fax Viewer.

If still having trouble, visit this page:

Download and use the association fix for JPG. That will sort out the JPG
file association. And it will get Windows Picture/Fax viewer back into your
list of programs when using the Change button with other image formats.

Suggestion: When installing graphics programs, use the Custom install
option. Doing so will almost always bring up the screens where you choose
what file extensions a program can claim as its own. Some programs will
leave this until after the install. Instead, the first time that you launch
the program, you'll be asked to choose file formats.

Recommend just choosing the formats that are native to that program only.
Examples: PSP and TUB files for Paintshop Pro or RIFF files for Corel's
Painter. The programs can still be used to open JPG and BMP files but they
will not be the default programs when double-clicking an image or browsing
a folder.

There are still a few programs that are just plain rude and take whatever
extensions they want but using the above guidelines will help to avoid the
situation as much as possible.


Don't if you have checked this, but go in to View in my pictures and see if
your Thumbnails is turned on


Don't know if you have checked this, but go in to View in my pictures and
see if
your Thumbnails is turned on


yo Mike !! they are .jpg and .bmp images and ...Keith, thunbnails are turned
on.Many thanks for your input guys !!....................Strange innit !!


Hello, I found this discussion while doing a search on how to fix a problem
with thumbnails in my folders. I can't view thumbnails of anything with a
..jpg, .tif, or .gif extension, though .bmps and .jpegs work ok. I can open
and view the images, just not the thumbnails.

I've tried the suggestions mentioned below, all but the regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
one, but since I'm using win 2000 I wondered if it applies to my operating
system. I didn't see a discussion group for 2000, but if anyone can answer,
or refer me to another place to ask, I'd be most grateful.

thanks very much

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Try here:

Microsoft Public Newsgroups listing:

See also: Newsgroup Setup Instructions for Outlook Express:

Ramesh, MS-MVP
Windows Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

melissa said:
Hello, I found this discussion while doing a search on how to fix a
with thumbnails in my folders. I can't view thumbnails of anything with a
.jpg, .tif, or .gif extension, though .bmps and .jpegs work ok. I can open
and view the images, just not the thumbnails.

I've tried the suggestions mentioned below, all but the regsvr32
one, but since I'm using win 2000 I wondered if it applies to my operating
system. I didn't see a discussion group for 2000, but if anyone can
or refer me to another place to ask, I'd be most grateful.

thanks very much



Ramesh, I clicked the link you supplied to Doug Knox's fix, and it did not
download when clicked as his instructions described - it simply opened in the
browser as if I had viewed the source code. Since I don't know how to
interpret it, is there anything else I could try?

David Candy

From memory you type

regsvr32 thumbvw


regsvr32 webview

But I no longer have Win 2000 (I'm not installing it for you) so can't confirm it does what I think it does, but it won't hurt anything.

Ramesh, MS-MVP


Right-click the VBS link in that page and choose "Save Target as".

Or try from here:

Ramesh, MS-MVP
Windows Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

Windows XP Newsgroup Setup Instructions for Outlook Express:

melissa said:
Ramesh, I clicked the link you supplied to Doug Knox's fix, and it did not
download when clicked as his instructions described - it simply opened in
browser as if I had viewed the source code. Since I don't know how to
interpret it, is there anything else I could try?


YES! I've got them back. I still couldn't get the file to download, even
with the link you gave, but having it repeat the browser/code thing made me
think it was an issue with Netscape. I rarely use IE on this computer
(because it starts freezing everything after a short time) but I took a
chance and tried - it worked! Didn't even need to restart the computer. The
virus alert appeared as was warned, so I appreciated knowing it was OK to

thanks so much! it's better than finding a lost book! or as good as....


David I didn't see your msg until after I tried the above fix, but all is
well now. Thanks for your help!

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