Pfbackup install problem



I am running Office 2002 Pro with Windows XP Pro. Before I had to
reformat y hard drive and reload every thing i use to run pfbackup to
back my Outlook files. I thought I re-installed pfbackup but could
not find it in the drop down menu where it used to be. I downloaded
the file from Microsoft and tried to install it. I got the error
message that said something like" Setup has detected that you already
have a version of Persanal Folder Backup installed. If you want to
uninstall it choose yes on the following screen"

I followed the instructions and a screen came up that said. This
action only valid for products that are currently installed" I then
went to Start> Control Panel > Add or remove programs and could not
find any reference to it there.

I am in a "catch 22" situation. The install program thinks the
application is installed but the uninstaller does not see it. I am
wondering if there is someting in the registry that should not be

I woud appreciate any help I can get.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook 2002: You Cannot Install the Personal Folders Backup Add-in;en-us;810932&Product=ol2002

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the SWEN virus, all mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, (e-mail address removed)

| I am running Office 2002 Pro with Windows XP Pro. Before I had to
| reformat y hard drive and reload every thing i use to run pfbackup to
| back my Outlook files. I thought I re-installed pfbackup but could
| not find it in the drop down menu where it used to be. I downloaded
| the file from Microsoft and tried to install it. I got the error
| message that said something like" Setup has detected that you already
| have a version of Persanal Folder Backup installed. If you want to
| uninstall it choose yes on the following screen"
| I followed the instructions and a screen came up that said. This
| action only valid for products that are currently installed" I then
| went to Start> Control Panel > Add or remove programs and could not
| find any reference to it there.
| I am in a "catch 22" situation. The install program thinks the
| application is installed but the uninstaller does not see it. I am
| wondering if there is someting in the registry that should not be
| there.
| I woud appreciate any help I can get.
| Ralph


Thanks ever so much Milly. I looked in the knowledge base but used the
string of "outlook backup" instead of"Personal Folders Backup" for the
search criteria. It now is working great. I don't know how I installed
it before shortly after installing Office XP Prothe first time but I
certainly do ot remember having to do this. It now works just as
advertised. I can now rest easy again knowing I can recover my
personal folders if something bad happens again. After the last
disaster and having to format the C: drive and re-install Windows and
everything else,I am a little gun shy right now. Thank goodness I had
the Outlook stuff backed up to a different physical hard drive.

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