Persistent debug breakpoints



I am developing in Access XP using VBA.

From time to time, I find that a breakpoint persists
across closure of the application I am working on,
sometimes across debugging sessions of a form and that
even when I 'reset all breakpoints' or just click that
breakpoint off in the source code.

I know of at least one other person with this problem.

Is this a known funny in Access XP and is there a cure?

Many thanks.

Allen Browne

The problem is known, and it indicates that your database is partially

Try decompiling a copy of the database by entering something like this at
the command prompt while Access is not running. It is all one line, and
include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile

There are actually two versions of the code stored in your mdb file.
One is the text version - what you view and edit.
The other is the compiled version - the binary that actually runs.
When the two get out of sync, the project is corrupted.

One indication of this condition is that the code does not break where you
placed a break point. Another is that it continues to break where you
cleared a break point. Another is that a fully compiled project (Compile on
Debug menu is greyed out) does not become available for recompiling when you
make a change. Another is that it begins to complain about an ActiveX
control that doesn't exist. Another is that it complains about another user
changing something when that condition does not exist.

For suggestions on how to prevent this kind of corruption, see:
Preventing Corruption

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