Perform oiperations relative to initial selected cell



I guess I did a pretty bad job of describing my question. I truly appreciate
your reply but it didn't do what I needed. Let me ask it this way, I am
pasting a copy of a simple macro below.

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 5/30/05 by new
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+z
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
End Sub

The problem I have is that is copies and pastes the same data over and over
no matter what cell I have selected when I run the macro. What I need is for
the macro to run from the cell I have selected at the time I run the macro
and to perform the copy and paste operations relative to the cell that is
selected when the macro is ran.

To ask it another way, when I run the macro for the FIRST time cell G2 is
selected when the macro begins execution. At the completion of the macro G7
is left selected. When I run the macro a second time (initiating it with G7
selected) I need it to select range G7:G9, copy it, then select H2:J2 and
past the data transposed to those cells. I converting column data to row
data. I just need the macro to excute on cells relative to the initial cell I
have selected when I run it, and NOT use absolute cell values. If it uses
absolute values then I am always writing into H1:J1. Not what I want.

Can you help?

Still sctatching my head.



sub try()
if r = 2 the tgr = 1 else tgr=(r-1)/6
for t=1 to 4
next t
end sub

Select the top cell of interest and run the macro.
If it works how you want it to work, I would make it more formal by using
the option explicit staement and "Dim"S for all of the variables

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