Percentage of Count in Pivot



I'm trying to get the percentage of a count of ID numbers in a Pivot

This is my Pivot;

Segment2 Description (All)

Area Service Data Total
East Parts Count of ID 838
Count of Compliant2 716
Count of Compliant 716
Repair Count of ID 1057
Count of Compliant2 968
Count of Compliant 968
Consult Count of ID 87
Count of Compliant2 76
Count of Compliant 76
Analysis Count of ID 431
Count of Compliant2 414
Count of Compliant 414
East Count of ID 2413
East Count of Compliant2 2174
East Count of Compliant 2174

I want East 'Count of Compliant2' to be a percentage so when you
select a 'Segment2 Description' the perecentage changes with the
values. The percentage would be a percentage of 'Count of ID'. Any


(Columns) A - B - C - D - E - F - G

(Row1) ID - Name - Email - Area - Service - Process Step - Compliant

(Row2) 12 - Walter - (e-mail address removed) - East - Parts - Ordered - <Blank
(Row3) 1413 - Williams - (e-mail address removed) - West - Consult - Complete -
(Row4) 2132 - Hicks - (e-mail address removed) - South - Analysis - Researching
- <Blank Cell>

The blank cell will change to compliant when the process is complete.
No duplicate entries on the spreadsheet; No name will appear twice and
neither will ID.

Debra Dalgleish

In the source data, add a column that has a 1 in every row, to count the
In another column create a formula to show a 1 if the compliant column
contains Compliant, and a zero otherwise.

In the pivot table, create a calculated field that divides the
CompliantCount field by the RowCount field

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