.PDF attachments print extremely slow from within Outlook


Tad Williamson

We have a user who is complaining vehemently about a
problem with Acrobat attachments printing extremely slow.
He opens the attachment within Outlook, prints it and it
wil print a page, pause, then print the next page. We've
told him to save the attachment, open it natively with
Acrobat Reader then print it but he insists he doesn't
have time for this extra step. Anyway, we have seen this
problem with many different types of attachments and it is
always resolved by saving the attachment and then opening
and printing it from the native app.
What I need are TIDs, info docs or white papers that
address this issue so I can prove to this user, we aren't
the only people in the world having this problem.
We are running Outlook/Exchange 2000.

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