Paste special to the active cell



i need some help
I have 200 columns that in the 3nd row on each of them there is a
input box. So, in A3, B3, C3, D3, E3 etc there is an input box. I fil
the input box with numbers and a formula doing a calculation. The resul
of the calculation returns to the column IV starting from the row 4.
I want to copy the column IV and paste special to the column that
last use to activate the input box. (Eg.If i was on D3 and i activat
the input box i want to paste special the column IV to the column
starting from the D4)

Thanks in advance


I wonder why you do not just put formulas underneath the input boxes ...
? However, this macro will do as you request :-


Sub test()
Dim rg As Range
c = ActiveCell.Column
Set rg = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(4, c), Cells(200, c))
rg.Value = Range("IV4:IV200").Value
End Sub


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