paste special + right click



Hi gurus - is there a macro or something that would allow me to feature
paste special-unnformatted text when right-clicking? In particular, I
do a lot of pasting from text that includes linked fields, and when I
paste it, I just want it to show the current value of the fields as
text. Any help will be appreciated.


Hi rmriba

I've come across this problem so often that I wrote a
macro which allows me to set the default paste option for
any of the supported cliboard data formats.

The result is that I can always use the standard paste
(or CTL-V) and get the format I want, without having to
bother with the smart-tags or "Paste As.." menu.

If you like I can forward you a copy. Just send me an
email with your details (remove the nospam from my



Hi gurus - is there a macro or something that would allow me to feature
paste special-unnformatted text when right-clicking? In particular, I
do a lot of pasting from text that includes linked fields, and when I
paste it, I just want it to show the current value of the fields as
text. Any help will be appreciated.

This is what I put on my right-click menu:

Sub PasteUnformattedText()
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteText,
Placement:=wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False
End Sub

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