Paste Special links do not copy right



Hello! I am trying to copy 15 cells in a row in one document to 15 cells in
a column in another document. The past link function seems to work until I
check the data and find that the data does not transfer accurately. Does
anyone know what the solution is to this problem? I get the information to
paste vertically along the column by highlighting the cells that I want it to
copy into before I click Paste Link, but still the information is totally


You cannot combine a Paste Link action with a Transpose action.
Unfortunately, for only 15 cells the most expedient way is to simply
copy/paste link one cell at a time.

If this is a bigger job, or something that has to be done regularly, post
back. There are ways to deal with it, though not without a little effort to
set it up.


New update! I fugured out that it was taking the information from the cells
in relation to the column (C9 through C23) from the source spreadsheet that I
highlighted on the destination worksheet, even though I had copied cells C9
through P9 on the source spreadsheet. My problem is that the source document
was not organized in a user friendly manner. We have a lot of data that we
need to transfer into a new format where the information that was originally
stored is vertical instead of horizontal. What is the best way to do this?
To be clearer, here is a mock-up of the destination spreadsheet:
Bowser Randy Stilts Teddy
Nailbiting X X X X
Crying X X X
Yelling X X 0 0
Stealing 0 0 0 X

Now, the source worksheet has the information like this:

Nailbiting Crying Yelling Stealing
Bowser X X X
Randy X X
X 0
Stilts X X 0
Teddy X X 0

Have I made myself clear as mud? Can anyone help me? Thanks!


No, Duke, it is not as simple as that multiple 416 by 15 and that would be
more like it. It is only 15 on one axis but the other one is extensive.
Unfortunately the designer of the original worksheet knows very little about
doing spreadsheets and the way that he did it was just tortuous to read. To
simplify it though, here is a mock-up of the source document:

Nailbiting Crying Yelling
Bowser X X X
Randy X X X
Stilts X X 0 0
Teddy X 0 X

And we want to change it to read:
Bowser Randy Stilts Teddy
Nailbiting X X X X
Crying X X X
Yelling X X 0 X
Stealing 0 0 0 X

How do we transfer this info? and I do SO appreciate your help!!!


Well, for future reference, this kind of tabular structure makes reporting
and summarizing terribly hard. You are better off with a columnar approach

Actor Action
Teddy Nailbiting
Stilts Crying
Stilts Nailbiting

You can create a pivot table off that structure and end up with EITHER of
your two grids.

If your source range has no formulas in it, you can select the whole thing &
copy it, then go to you destination workbook and do a Paste
Special->Transpose. If you have formulas and don't care about them, i.e.,
all you need is the value, you can do a Paste Special->Values and Transpose

Does that work?


Thank you ever so much. I am at home now, but I will try it tomorrow at work
and let you know. Actually, I altered the spreadsheet and made it more
readable by just reformatting the header. I tried to explain to my colleague
how that was actually now MORE user friendly for various reasons. But she
said that it would be nice to know how to do it if we ever needed to. I will
let you know how it worked out. Thank you so very much. I did have it in
columns, but it does not transfer well to this message board.


Thank you so very much, that worked just fine!!!

Duke Carey said:
Well, for future reference, this kind of tabular structure makes reporting
and summarizing terribly hard. You are better off with a columnar approach

Actor Action
Teddy Nailbiting
Stilts Crying
Stilts Nailbiting

You can create a pivot table off that structure and end up with EITHER of
your two grids.

If your source range has no formulas in it, you can select the whole thing &
copy it, then go to you destination workbook and do a Paste
Special->Transpose. If you have formulas and don't care about them, i.e.,
all you need is the value, you can do a Paste Special->Values and Transpose

Does that work?

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