paste sheet name in a cell


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How can I paste the name of "Sheet2" in a cell in "Sheet1" so that
the cell displays as text - "Sheet2"
and in case I change the name of "Sheet2" to "Sheet2A"
the text displayed in that cell also changes to "Sheet2A"

Sanjay Jain

muddan madhu

Try this one
put this formula in sheet2 A1

In sheet 1 put A1 =Sheet2!A1

muddan madhu

Try this

In sheet 1 A1 put this

Shane Devenshire

Hi Sanjay,

A few minor points regarding the previous suggestion:

1. Setting the last variable to 255 is not necessary since sheet names are
a max of 31 characters, so:


2. If you range name any cell in Sheet2, say "S", then you can simplify the
above formula to:


3. Since CELL("filename",S) is repeated you could define a name, say F, to
equal that and your formula would become:


You define a range name by choosing the cell and typing the name into the
Name Box. You define a formula name by choosing Insert, Name, Define and
entering the name in the Names in Workbook box and then the formula
=CELL("filename",S) in the Refers to box.

Shane Devenshire
Microsoft Excel MVP

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