


I have a Log on PW i use to get onto my user account , and i also have a PW
for my ScreenSaver... Now i read that the user account PW and ScreenSaver PW
are the same, well thats wrong, cause i have tried to change my screensaver
PW and i dont know how, so i tried to change my log on PW and it did change,
but my screensaver PW did not.. its still the same, so now i have 2 different
PW's .. what i want to know is, how do i change my screensaver PW and or Get
rid of it!!

thanks for any help


Right-click on an open area of the desktop, go to
Properties, Screensaver and uncheck the item "On resume,
password protect". Also click the Power button, Advanced
tab and make sure the item "Prompt for password when
computer resumes from standby" is unchecked, hit Apply
then OK . . .

Good Luck !

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