passing values to showmodal dialog



I have parent.aspx web page from which I call a modal dialog (child.aspx via showmodaldialog). I'd like to populate two text boxes, <asp:TextBox id=txt_HN> on the child form with data from the caller.
for parent.aspx.....
<script> block
function UpdH(title,horse)
var iParms=new Object();
for child.aspx....
<script> block
I've tried "document.getElementById('txt_HN').value=iParms.Horse;" within child.aspx form - but get error "document.getElementbyId(...) is null or not an object". How do I do this?

Raymond Lewallen


Try dialogArguments.window.document.getElementById.....

using the following to open your window in javascript:

var TestWindow = new Object();
TestWindow.caller = window.showModalDialog(URLstr, window, sFeatures);

replacing the parameters there with whatever you use as appropriate.

Raymond Lewallen

DavidS said:
I have parent.aspx web page from which I call a modal dialog (child.aspx
via showmodaldialog). I'd like to populate two text boxes, <asp:TextBox
id=txt_HN> on the child form with data from the caller.
for parent.aspx.....
<script> block
function UpdH(title,horse)
var iParms=new Object();
for child.aspx....
<script> block
I've tried "document.getElementById('txt_HN').value=iParms.Horse;" within
child.aspx form - but get error "document.getElementbyId(...) is null or not
an object". How do I do this?

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