Passing data between tiers on diff. servers



If I have custom data entity objects that are simple classes with properties
storing data for a particular entity, then I want to pass this object to
another server, how does the other server know about this object type since
the class is created on the source server.

Having all of these tiers on the same server you can get reference to this
type from the other tier because you have access to it, but on the other
server, how do you use it? (on the same tier you would just: dim entity as
new Tier2Project.customEntity() )

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi TS,

As for the pass object values between distributed enviroments in N-Tier
app, I think the problem should be described as below:

When we build distributed application and want to transfer complex types's
instances between separate servers, first of all we have to decide what
remote communication approach shall we use. There're so many remote
processing means such as RPC, Socket based, or DCOM, and in .net there are
some new features on remote processing ,
1. Xml WebService:
We can define some managed classes and expose some methods and interfaces
by an ASP.NET WebService so that it can be consumed by a remote client.

#Creating XML Web Services in Managed Code

And the WebService will have WSDL document which can help the client
generate the client proxy to call webservice. We can generate managed proxy
via VS.NET or use the wsdl.exe directly, which will help genreate the proxy
class and any other classes necessary at the clientside.

2. .NET Remoting, this is a .net specified feature on remote method call.
It also help expose a managed class so that remote client applicaiton and
retireve it and invoke its methods.

#An Introduction to Microsoft .NET Remoting Framework

Also, you can find much more resources in MSDN on developing xml webservice
or .net remoting apps. Hope these helps. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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