passing a struct with an array by reference



I have a struct that has an array in it. I need to assign space to the
array in a function and pass the corresponding struct by reference to
another function so that it can store values into the array. When I
try it with the following code i get these errors
1. Use of possibly unassigned field 'micData'
2. The out parameter 'rem' must be assigned to before control leaves
the current method

Could someone point out how to do this and what I am doing wrong. Any
help is greatly appreciated.

Class X{
public struct micDataReturn
public double[] micData;//data from the microphone
public double noiseValue;//noise in dB of the data

public X()


public void getData(out micDataReturn rem)
rem.micData[0] = 0;
rem.micData[1] = 0;
rem.micData[2] = 0;
catch(Exception e)

static void main()
X myx = new X();
micDataReturn res = new micDataReturn();
res.micData = new double[10];
X.getData(out res)

Rick C

From: "AM"
I have a struct that has an array in it. I need to assign space to the
array in a function and pass the corresponding struct by reference to
another function so that it can store values into the array. When I
try it with the following code i get these errors
1. Use of possibly unassigned field 'micData'
2. The out parameter 'rem' must be assigned to before control leaves
the current method

The error is because you declared getData's parameter to be an out param.

Please read
for a discussion.

Also, next time, please try to cut and paste actual code--I had to fix a
bunch of typos to get the program to almost compile before figuring out the

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