Pass Data From Collection base to a Dataview



Hi to all,

i have a class (of type collectionbase) that creates a collection of objects
for instance persons.

For other hand i have a Datagrid whose Datasource its the collection wich i
talked in last paragraph.

Until here no problem, the Grids shows to me the collection.

But i would like to be able to order the grid, and put methods to page index
change, and this kind of things. And due this reasons i would need to know
how could i pass the collection into a DataView (to sort)...

Any help would be grateful.


Scott Allen

Hi Josema:

The DataView filters and sorts the rows in a DataTable object. In
order to use a DataView you'd have to shove your custom collection
into a DataTable you build programatically. You might find it easier
to sort your collection before binding to the grid.

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