partitioning new external and existing hard drive

  • Thread starter Robert J. Lafayette
  • Start date

Robert J. Lafayette

using XP home, sp 2, with an HP ze4230, 1.8ghz, 40gb hd, 512 ram, bought

i recently purchased a new external hard drive, 250gb hitachi.
it arrives this week.

i want to learn how to partition both hard drives,
and particularly how to if possible partition the 'program files'

from the working files on my local existing internal hard drive, that is,
if it is not too late.

am confused by some of the articles posted on windows web site..

is there a simple way short of going to a so called expert?

thanks i advance,

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Robert,
i want to learn how to partition both hard drives,

Partitioning is inherently dangerous when you are working with drives that
currently have existing data. It is best to do this when a drive is empty.
If the drive is currently blank, then you can use the Windows disk manager
(start/run diskmgmt.msc) to partition and format it. If the drive is already
partitioned, the disk manager will only allow you to create new partitions
from existing free space. Your HP system is unlikely to have this, so the
only option to rework that drive is to use a third party partitioning
program. These will allow you to dynamically resize the existing partitions,
then create new ones in the free space.

Partitioning programs:

Partition Magic
Partition Commander
Ranish Partition Manager
and particularly how to if possible partition the 'program files' from the
working files on my local existing internal hard drive, that is,
if it is not too late.

Though Partition Magic (above) can assist you in this as well as some
utilities like COA32, I do not recommend it. Programs need to be installed
to a particular location, not moved. If they are moved, then all the
pointers in the system registry will be incorrect and the program will not
function properly. Though some utilities can change the pointers, they
always miss a few, especially on the more complex programs. Best to
uninstall and then reinstall to the new location.
am confused by some of the articles posted on windows web site..

Like what?
is there a simple way short of going to a so called expert?

Partitioning is not simple. You are tinkering with the drive geometry, and
that is not a trivial matter. Even if you do it right, there can be data
loss. Before you do *anything* with the drive in use, backup anything that
is critical to you to guard against this.
thanks i advance,

Hope this helps, feel free to ask follow up questions.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Rick has given you EXCELLENT advice, caveats and links.

This is by way of reducing your problems to elements, thus simplifying the
solutions - and it can be done by the average user, no costly "experts"
needed (except for advice from Rick)

First - PLAN your partitions - what you want to use them for, how big.
You say you want to partition BOTH hard drives -why both? Consider that many
programs when installed have problems if installed on other than C: drive,
and with a 250GB second HDD, there's little point in partitioning the
existing relatively small 40GB drive.

I'd keep core progs (like Office and all MS progs) on C:, and reserve a
partition on the new drive for personal datafiles on the new HDD: another
for non-core applications, Music, AVI's etc on another, and a separate
partition for backups, another for non-critical progs like games. Perhaps
another for non-update downloads (music and the like)? just my thoughts,
your disk, your choices.

Having planned - onto the new HDD. Install it, FOLLOW Rick's advice, use
diskmgt.msc to format it (and unless you have a compelling reason not to,
format all partitions in NTFS). My personal choice is Partition Magic, but
I've used it only on existing HDD's partitions (never a problem, but I
always defrag first, which helps).
REMEMBER to give each partition a name (PERSONAL FILES, MUSIC, for example -
labels are useful in "My Computer" as reminder for what the partitions are

Next, UNINSTALL all non-critical progs that you have disks for (you won't
lose the data generated by them). and re-install on the new HDD partition.

You can't partition "program files" list - that's a core list on the start
menu, lists all progs and their location, whatever drive they are on, and
clicking starts them as normal. This is updated on

Hopefully this relatively simple procedure will help you - but be aware it's
a long long process! Plan first, format/partition the new drive second.
Whatever else you do, keep MS progs on C:, do the rest in stages. You will
have to remember to "save as:" (new drive letter, folder) - personally I'd
also move all generated personal files (Word docs, Excel .xls files etc)
straight over to the new drive, but that can be done gradually over time -
your choice, again.

It's a simple way, as you requested, but do allow many hours (250GB
formatting/partitioning in particular - WOW!!) Don't be tempted into short
cuts, it'll take even longer to rectify. Planning is everything.

Hope this helps - Len

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