Partitioning hard drive




I'm trying to partition my hard drive so I can install a
second OS. The help on the computer gave these

Disk Management

Right-click an unallocated region of a basic disk, and then
click New Partition, or right-click free space in an
extended partition, and then click New Logical Drive.
In the New Partition Wizard, click Next, click Primary
partition, Extended partition, or Logical drive, and then
follow the instructions on your screen.

I right clicked just about everywhere on the screen in
disk management, including the unallocated regions, and
never came up with anything close to saying "new

I also tried using the command promp, and followed the
instructions, and that would not work either.

Any ideas?

Thanks for the help


Sounds like you created one large partition. In order to
use the function that you described you must have
unalocated space to create the partition. An alternative
is to use third pary software such as partion magic...


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Jack,

Are you sure you have free space? By default, the header on the free space
in disk management would be black and the identifier within would read
"unallocated". Left click in this free space, then right-click it for the
new partition option. You can also achieve it by clicking ation/all
tasks/new partition. Unallocated space will only have two options: New
partition and properties, if more options than this appear (like
open/explore/change drive letter), then this is not unallocated (free)

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Alex Nichol

Is there a way to repartition the C: driveso there is
unalocated space?

Only by either deleting everything and starting over, making two or more
partitions instead of the one, or by using third party software. I use
BootIT NG, from ($35 shareware - 30 day full
functional trial)

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