Particular reason why Flash player doesn't work any more?



I finally downloaded the latest version of IE through Windows Update and was
frustrated to find that it can't run Flash. This makes pretty much 50% of the
internet inaccessable to me. And yes, it is the latest version, I went to the
Flash website and it said I have 9,0,28,0 installed.

What can I do to fix this?


Sorry, last link doesn't download the installer. Try this one.

The Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player allows you to view interactive
web content like games, business presentations, entertainment and those
things we all adore so much - advertisements. The package includes only the
Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. You can download the file to
install at a later date or use it to reinstall the player on a fresh version
of Windows. The single download package makes it much easier to troubleshoot
problems and you don't have to go through the active download process each
time you need to install the player. Technically, this is a Flash Player
ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser
(Internet Explorer). If you want to view downloaded flash and shockwave
content at another time, you will need the Shockwave and Flash Player
(Complete Standalone Installer).

Note: this version is for Internet Explorer only.


The funny thing is, I had already tried the first link a while ago which
didn't work because it already detected Flash on my computer, and so it did
this time but when I restarted it suddenly worked and now I can use Flash
again. :]

You know what I think it was? I've had the computer running for several days
straight now, and I don't think I'd restarted since I downloaded the new IE.
That was probably it all along, I just needed a restart but the possibility
completely skipped my mind.

Thanks for your help and sorry for wasting your time.



No problem Damon, I have the beta version of flash 9, and was interested in
the last installer version anyway.. so it was not a waste of time.
Damon said:
The funny thing is, I had already tried the first link a while ago which
didn't work because it already detected Flash on my computer, and so it did
this time but when I restarted it suddenly worked and now I can use Flash
again. :]

You know what I think it was? I've had the computer running for several days
straight now, and I don't think I'd restarted since I downloaded the new IE.
That was probably it all along, I just needed a restart but the possibility
completely skipped my mind.

Thanks for your help and sorry for wasting your time.


Ronaldo said:
Sorry, last link doesn't download the installer. Try this one.

The Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player allows you to view interactive
web content like games, business presentations, entertainment and those
things we all adore so much - advertisements. The package includes only the
Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. You can download the file to
install at a later date or use it to reinstall the player on a fresh version
of Windows. The single download package makes it much easier to troubleshoot
problems and you don't have to go through the active download process each
time you need to install the player. Technically, this is a Flash Player
ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser
(Internet Explorer). If you want to view downloaded flash and shockwave
content at another time, you will need the Shockwave and Flash Player
(Complete Standalone Installer).

Note: this version is for Internet Explorer only.

was of
the to


along with all the INSTALL recommendations, you should first use the UNINSTALLER from adobe to remove the flash you have before installing a fresh one.

(e-mail address removed)

I finally downloaded the latest version of IE through Windows Update and was
frustrated to find that it can't run Flash. This makes pretty much 50% of the
internet inaccessable to me. And yes, it is the latest version, I went to the
Flash website and it said I have 9,0,28,0 installed.

What can I do to fix this?

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