Partial duplicate information on sequential rows on a form.



I want to have any duplicate information on row 1 and row 2 to not appear on
the form. This information comes from 2 SQL tables A and B
The row displays information as A1(table.field), A2, A3, B1, B2
On the first row I want all information.
On the second row A1, A2, A3 are duplicate of the first row and I want that
data to not show, just show B1 and B2 which will be different.
Any ideas?


Sorry this is on a form. Table A is static and table B has many record
associated to one record in table A. The form will allow the user to enter
data into table B. I do not see a hide duplicates property or is this a VB
command during the form_load?


Use a form/subform for TableA/TableB and set Master/Child links on common

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