Parent widows refresh



1) I have a C# web application and what I am trying to do is create a popup window from a link on the parent window
2) the popup window will have a button and when a user clicks on the button the program should update a database, close the window and refresh the parent window.

My question is does anyone have a example of popup window wich will close it's self and refresh the parent window when a user clicks on a button?

I know there are countless examples of this with Java script, but I can get any of them working with ASP.NET. The biggest problem I have is with refreshing the parent window.

I have tried the following code in the popup window in the button click event, but I keep getting java script error:
'window.opener.document' is null or not an object.

this code is in the
private void butSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

string jscript = "<script language=\"javascript\">" +
"window.opener.refresh();" +
Literal1.Text = jscript;




Rai Yawar Ijaz

try using
this code will open that page again and in other words will refresh it ;
1) I have a C# web application and what I am trying to do is create a popup
window from a link on the parent window
2) the popup window will have a button and when a user clicks on the button
the program should update a database, close the window and refresh the
parent window.

My question is does anyone have a example of popup window wich will close
it's self and refresh the parent window when a user clicks on a button?

I know there are countless examples of this with Java script, but I can get
any of them working with ASP.NET. The biggest problem I have is with
refreshing the parent window.

I have tried the following code in the popup window in the button click
event, but I keep getting java script error:
'window.opener.document' is null or not an object.

this code is in the
private void butSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

string jscript = "<script language=\"javascript\">" +
"window.opener.refresh();" +
Literal1.Text = jscript;





Thanks for your help!

but I have tried this already and getting the same error
'window.opener.document' is null or not an object.

Rai Yawar Ijaz

i guess that when u opened the window u havnt passed the information of the
parent page i mean submiting its handle to the popup


How do I submitt the handle to the pupup?

Here's a sniplet of my code:
//On the parent page I have the following code in the Parent.aspx file

c.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a href=" + q + "javascript://\" onclick=\"javascript: return modalWin('Popup.aspx?Page=CalEvent.aspx')\">test</A>"));

// the following code is in the Popup.aspx file:

Literal1.Text = "<IFRAME NAME='embeddedFrame'" +
" WIDTH='100%' HEIGHT='100%' SRC='" +
Request.Params["Page"] + Params + "' if(self.parent.frames.length != 0) self.parent.location=document.location;/>";

// This code is in the CalEvent.aspx file:

string strjscript = "<script language=\"javascript\">" +
Literal1.Text = strjscript;

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