Parameter_Procedures return value


Jon Yates

Hello all.

I'm using the GetOleDbSchemaTable
(OleDbSchemaGuid.Procedure_Parameters) method to return
all the parameters from a SQL Server 2000 procedure. I'm
returning the results to a DataTable that I then bind to a
DataGrid. It works fine and all the parameters appear in
the table. However, I've noticed that a parameter by the
name of @RETURN_VALUE is returned every time, even when
it's NOT in the stored proc. It has a parameter_type of 4.

What is this as it's slightly confusing?

Thanks all.


William \(Bill\) Vaughn

All SQL Server stored procedures return a RETURN value. It's by design.
What are you trying to accomplish?

Bill Vaughn
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Jon Yates

Thanks Bill, thats great.

I'm returning the parameters of the procedure so that I
can then generate the .cs code.


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