Parameter Query using > or <




I am wanting to create a report that will allow the user to select values of
<$x or >$x or =$x

If I use the criteria >50 in the query itself, it will return all donations
greater than $50, but if I use it as a parameter I get the following error
message - "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be

Looking for advice.



Mybe a better way, but my complicated one is something like

Select * From TableNAme Where
Field1 Like (IIf(Instr([Please select a number],"="),Replace([Please select
a number],"=",""),"*")) And
Field1 > IIf(Instr([Please select a number],">"),Replace([Please select a
number],">",""),-100000000) And
Field1 < IIf(Instr([Please select a number],"<"),Replace([Please select a

Again, there might be a more simple way, but I tried this method and it works.
The user can enter <>= with the number

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