

PAPAJOHN! What's wrong with you? Don't you know you are
supposed to find out J.K.'s IP and BAN him for your
site! :)

Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

and papajohn uses JK's site and what does it really matter, they both have
useful items for people with problems with MovieMaker and all we want to do
is help them, so let's just try to get along a bit more please?

John Kelly

Hi Graham,

Thanks for trying to calm down the idiot sabchez. The guy is a total moron
and will eventually be dealt with by Microsoft. Do you know, he actually
believes that by using an anonymous address via Microsoft that no one can
track him down.....What a laugh...thanks anyway...Graham

John Kelly

Hello again,

I should have added, I do not see his posts directly anymore...he is in one
of those in my place for the idiot.

John Kelly

Interesting??? we now know he uses a certain web site??? HOW do you know????
Why would it be interesting if it were true??? Have you ever heard of emails
???? or are you still in 5th grade

Why dont you go away SANCHEZ...


John Kelly said:
Interesting??? we now know he uses a certain web site??? HOW do you know????
Why would it be interesting if it were true??? Have you ever heard of emails
???? or are you still in 5th grade

Why dont you go away SANCHEZ...

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Yahoo ID Movie_Maker_The_Kellys

I am away Mr. Kelly and you once again appear to be mistaken in whatever it
is you are alledging..

Since you can not reply to an e-mail with appropriate portions intact many
of us do not have a clue of what you are talking about.

But your name calling is uncalled for. Your previous threats are uncalled


John Kelly

Hmmm, He Strikes another blow, what a silly person you are...SANCHEZ.
Graham did what any normal person would do by telling you to shut up. I
prefer it if you can keep going as long as possible....this way Microsoft
will take action and you will be rephrase my mates remarks
below...It takes a certain kind of person to post that last message of
yours....a very special kind of person. I am half tempted to take you out of
my kill file but that would be more effort than its worth. Rant away fool,
we will see the back of you soon enough.

Ha !, spell checker just cut in....I can see now what my mate was on

Have a great Day !!
Hi John,
He is actually trying to convince people that its not
him, he also says that he is "away" but somehow
only a few minutes after you identified him he
"HAPPENS" to look into the newsgroup. This
guy should be on Americas Dumbest
Criminals....he is good at stirring up trouble, pity
he is not so good with the spell checker!!


John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

My post was directed at everyone and no-one. I have not taken any sides, I
have no axe to grind, I just wish to help the people with MM problmes to the
best of my ability and in peace and harmony

John Kelly

Hello Graham,

I understand and agree with you thoughts completely. I would not have known
had you have not replied to him. (I am in no way saying its your fault)

A true story.....In Solihull we had a rash of burglaries, each time very
high value jewelry, silver ware etc was stolen. The M.O. matched exactly
that of a chap recently released from Winson Green for the same offence. He
lived opposite a Policeman, the chap I worked with. We discovered that he
had a job as a Taxi Driver (London Cab type) So we started following him
around, discreetly of course, and we caught him coming over the back fence
to a house...loaded up with all sorts of goodies. He could not understand
what we were doing there and tried to fool us that he was helping the woman
of the house do a moonlit flit...He was arrested went to court the
following morning and from there back to Winson Green. The owner of the
house was very pleased of course.

Around 12 months later we caught him doing exactly the same thing and he
went down for 3 years (I think), but about two years later we caught him
again...Back at the station he was processed in the normal way and while
taking his fingerprints he asked how we caught him out...I told him, "If
you are going to commit a burglary, you don't drive your self there in your
own taxi and leave it outside the house"

I'm no longer in the job now, but as you might guess I still have a lot of
contacts...and I am told he is doing time yet again...he was caught in
exactly the same way.

You have I am sure discovered my analogy here, I know Microsoft will have.

John Kelly

Hi Graham,

Whats happening to this thread ?
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Yahoo ID Movie_Maker_The_Kellys
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

Reply-To: "Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media" <[email protected]>
From: "Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: The Fool Sanchez
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:51:53 +0100
Lines: 16
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Message-ID: <#[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.moviemaker
X-Received-Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:57:20 BST (
Xref: microsoft.public.windowsxp.moviemaker:25636

My post was directed at everyone and no-one. I have not taken any sides, I
have no axe to grind, I just wish to help the people with MM problmes to the
best of my ability and in peace and harmony

Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

I wish it would go to bed early, can we just leave it be?



Hello Graham,

I understand and agree with you thoughts completely. I would not
have known had you have not replied to him. (I am in no way
saying its your fault)

A true story.....In Solihull we had a rash of burglaries, each
time very high value jewelry, silver ware etc was stolen. The
M.O. matched exactly that of a chap recently released from Winson
Green for the same offence. He lived opposite a Policeman, the
chap I worked with. We discovered that he had a job as a Taxi
Driver (London Cab type) So we started following him around,
discreetly of course, and we caught him coming over the back
fence to a house...loaded up with all sorts of goodies. He could
not understand what we were doing there and tried to fool us that
he was helping the woman of the house do a moonlit flit...He was
arrested went to court the following morning and from there back
to Winson Green. The owner of the house was very pleased of

Around 12 months later we caught him doing exactly the same thing
and he went down for 3 years (I think), but about two years later
we caught him again...Back at the station he was processed in the
normal way and while taking his fingerprints he asked how we
caught him out...I told him, "If you are going to commit a
burglary, you don't drive your self there in your own taxi and
leave it outside the house"

I'm no longer in the job now, but as you might guess I still have
a lot of contacts...and I am told he is doing time yet again...he
was caught in exactly the same way.

You have I am sure discovered my analogy here, I know Microsoft
will have.

Analogy? Yes, you need to get a life.


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