paging with idirectorysearch



Dear colleagues

When I query a active directory group with DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
then the results are limited to 1000 entries. I found that this must be done
with paging. This is also illustrated at the following pages:

Some how I don't understand this illustration. How can I extend my code in
order to be able to receive all data?

Thanks ALex

The code I am using is as follow:

Dim root As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(GroupName_AD)

Dim inmembers As PropertyCollection = root.Properties

Dim counter, countmax As Integer

For counter = 0 To inmembers(objlook).Count - 1

Dim membername, membername_AD, objecttype As String

membername = inmembers(objlook).Item(counter)

membername_AD = "LDAP://" & MyApplicationSettings.DomainController & "." &
MyApplicationSettings.LDAPDomain & "" & membername

Dim rootA As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(membername_AD)

objecttype = rootA.Properties("objectCategory")(0)

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