Page Size




Use percentage values in your tables (e.g. 100%). Another name for this is
called liquid design. The value of 100% width tells the browser to fit the
content to the whole width of the viewable space.

If you are going for fixed widths - which is what you are doing now - reduce
the contents to fit the 1000px width. It is currently using 1361px width.

Also, if your elements inside need more width than what the browser has, it
will also not fit in smaller screens.

The side-effect of using fixed-width is that in your monitor, you will see
lots of white space on the left/right.
Singapore Web Design
Singapore Web Hosting
Windows XP FAQ

Paul C

Lots of web designers like to fix the width of there web to 760px for those
who have there browsers set to 800 by 600 the 760 allows for vertical scroll
bars without horizontal scroll bars as well .It is generally considered
having vertical and horizontal scroll bars to be bad designas well as
To acheave 760px I usually have a 1 cell table set to 760px wide then add
tables inside to produce your layout. having said that some designers are
now creating websites that are wider, it all depends on your target
Paul M

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