Page Setup


Sam Johnson

I have a user working on Win 98SE with the latest patches
from Win Update and thus Version 6 of IE.

However when they try to change the page setup and the
margins to allow them to print out some invoices from
an .asp application the margins don't seem to allow apply
to work and let you click ok. They print fine that time
bt next time they are reset back how they were.

Any ideas how to get the margins to retin their setings
after closing the browser?

Many thanks Sam.


From my research, IE does not save/retain the settings at
all - the printing only works for just that one time (you
have to reset the margins everytime you print).

I've emailed Microsoft Support on this. I'd doubt there's
a solution or workaround, and we'll have to wait for a new

The software vendor, however, could use programming (VB,
or C++) to control the registry settings of the margins in
IE. This would have to be embedded in the code before each


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