page say done but blank


Andre Laframboise

This is only on a few sites and these were sites that i went it goes there i think says page is done on the bottom left
but there is no content just a blank page.thanks for the help

Richard in AZ

Andre Laframboise said:
This is only on a few sites and these were sites that i went it goes
there i think says page is done on the bottom left but there is no content just a blank
page.thanks for the help

You link in the posting has the following extra characters in it ":80"

the actual dlink address works just fine.

By the way. Do you always forget to leave a space at the end of a sentence and forget to capitalize
the first work in the new sentence. Your posts are hard to read with these errors.

Robert Aldwinckle

Andre Laframboise said:
This is only on a few sites and these were sites that i went

That URL is a frameset. What do you see if you use View Source? (Alt-V,c)

(Something might be interfering with the HTML which would prevent the frameset
from being processed.)

Try extracting one of the URL from the source of the frameset instead.

it goes there i think says page is done on the bottom left
but there is no content just a blank page.thanks for the help


Robert Aldwinckle

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