Page numbering X of Y in a protected form - X resetting



Hi all

I'm having a problem I've never seen before and am hoping someone can
assist. This is happening to two separate users - on difference machines
with different documents.

We insert Page X of Y in the footer and it works fine - showing the correct
numbers. Once the form is protected however, closed and opened - the page
number sets to a random number for each page. I have tested it both
protected and unprotected and its does seem to be the protection that is
causing the problem.

For example - Page 1 of 16 on every page instead of Page 2 of 16 etc.

We do a lot of protected forms with various types of number and this is
first time we've seen it do this.

We are using Word 2002.

Any help gratefully received :)

Cindy M.

Hi Denise,

This kind of problem is usually due to Word and the printer driver not
agreeing. You could try updating the printer driver...

If that doesn't work, things may get difficult. Most forms tend to have a
fixed number of pages. If that's the case, here, then you'd have the
possibility of numbering the pages statically.

Other than that, your only chance is going to be some kind of macro solution.
I'm having a problem I've never seen before and am hoping someone can
assist. This is happening to two separate users - on difference machines
with different documents.

We insert Page X of Y in the footer and it works fine - showing the correct
numbers. Once the form is protected however, closed and opened - the page
number sets to a random number for each page. I have tested it both
protected and unprotected and its does seem to be the protection that is
causing the problem.

For example - Page 1 of 16 on every page instead of Page 2 of 16 etc.

We do a lot of protected forms with various types of number and this is
first time we've seen it do this.

We are using Word 2002.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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